Meet the gang

Likes: hunting, fishing, camping, team roping, riding horses, training horses, big trucks, movies with exploding boats.
Dislikes: loading the dishwasher, watching channels like TLC and Discovery, hot weather, mushrooms.

Boy Wonder
Likes: trucks, trains, cars, tractors, planes, boats... you get the picture. Also, baths, jumping in puddles, chocolate, wrestling with dad on the couch, and Cars.
Dislikes: vegetables, being on time (the kid is a master dawdler), singing (yes, really), and holding hands in the parking lot.

Princess P
Likes: eating, baths, being adorable, her big brother, eating, snuggling, and barfing on stuff.
Dislikes: naps, sleeping through the night more than one night in a row, wet diapers.