Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Cake pops are super trendy right now and you've probably seen the cake pop pans you can buy to make the little balls. If, like me, you're too cheap to buy the pan, follow these steps to make your own at home! I'm going to tackle these and make zebra cake pops for Princess P's party. Big shout out to The Speckled Freckle blog in Australia, where I found these directions. Their link is:http://www.speckledfreckle.com.au/blog/?cat=5

Now... cake pops!!

Cake Pop Recipe

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
I made some cake pops this weekend for my daughter’s birthday party. I thought I would share the recipe and tutorial that I followed to make them. Cake pops are perfect for kids parties and they are yummy! They were a hit with the kids and they gobbled them down faster then I could serve them.
Cake Pops for kids partiesCake Pops
Cake pops for kids birthday parties
Cake mix {and ingredients listed on box}
1/2 package of chocolate frosting
White Chocolate Candy Melts
Candy sticks ( available on Ebay!)
Styrofoam or Oasis
Gel Food Coloring {NOT liquid}
Shortening {large spoon full}

Cake Pop Recipe for kids parties
Follow the instructions on the packet and bake your cake. I used a BASCO Gluten Free chocolate cake mix as I had children with coeliac disease attending the party. Allow the cake to cool.
Cake Pop Recipe
Put your cake mix in a large bowl.
Cake Pops
Use Your hands to crumble the entire cake.
Cake Pops for kids parties
Add about 1/2 – 3/4 of the tub of Betty Crocker Chocolate Frosting. The frosting acts as a glue to hold the cake balls together.
Cake Pops
Use your hands to mix the frosting into the cake until all the cake mix is moistened.
Cake Pops
Your cake mix should be moist enough to shape into a large ball and keep it’s shape.
Cake pop Recipe
Your hand should now look like this! �
Cake Pops and kids party supplies
Roll your cake balls into 1 inch balls using the palms of your hands.
Cake pops and kids party supplies
You should get 35-40 cake balls per batch.
Cake Pops and Kids Party Supplies
Now we prepare the chocolate shell. Pour one entire package of white chocolate candy melts into a microwave safe bowl. Follow the melting instructions on the package. *Be sure not to burn the candy melts or they will taste super yucky*
Cake Pops
Pull out your melted white chocolate and stir thoroughly with a spoon until COMPLETELY smooth. Once smooth, add a large spoon full of shortening {Crisco} to the white chocolate to thin out the consistency a bit. Stir thoroughly again. We don’t have this shortening in Australia so I used a small amount of Crisco vegetable oil. If I had had Copha in my fridge I would have tried that first, The vegetable oil worked though.
Cake Pops
Take a cake pop and dip into the white chocolate about 1 inch.
Cake Pops and birthday party supplies
And then place it into the center of your cake ball. This will act as a glue keeping your cake pop and stick attached.
Cake Pops
Then place your cake pop in the Styrofoam to harden. Continue with the remaining cake pops.
Cake Pops and party supplies
Now you are ready to coat your cake pops in the delicious white chocolate. This is the most tricky step of the entire recipe. It took me some practice before I was good at evenly coating the chocolate on the pop.
Cake pops and kids party supplies
The key is to place the pop in the chocolate at a sideways angle with one hand. Using the other hand, spoon the chocolate mixture all around the pop. Try to do this as quickly as possible before the chocolate begins to harden and get lumpy.
Cake Pops and Kids Party Supplies
Once you have evenly coated the pop, gently tap the stick on the side of the bowl to get off any excess chocolate that would drip.
cake pops and party supplies
Now its time to make your cake pops look extra pretty. Use the remainder of your white chocolate for the drizzle. If you run out, make more following the steps above. Add the GEL food coloring of your choice until you receive your desired color. The liquid food coloring will immediately harden and ruin your chocolate.
cake pops and party supplies
Fill a Ziploc bag with your colored white chocolate. Cut a small hole in one corner of the Ziploc back so that you can drizzle the colored chocolate over your pops.
Cake Pops at Speckled Freckle
Now let your cake pops dry and then you are done! Cake pops taste great after they have chilled in the refrigerator.
cake pops and kids party supplies
Happy Baking!!!
The Speckled Freckle Party Place thanks Ashley Stock for this great recipe

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