Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hyacinth flowers from cardstock - with tutorial!

Okay, here's a tut on making your own hyacinth flowers from cardstock. Like the wine bottle palm trees, these guys are awesome for a beach party/safari party/jungle party/hawaiian party/etc. As always with my party decorations, they're quick & cheap. You can get everything you need for this at Wal Mart or a dollar store.

1 large sheet of posterboard in a bright color
1 8x10 sheet of bright green
1 8x10 sheet of bright yellow
hot glue gun


Cut five teardrop shaped petals from the posterboard. I like to fold mine five times and then cut so I know they're the same size.

2. Fold each one in half but only to the middle of the petal. Make sure the rounded end stays flat.

3. Roll the first inch or so of the flat end of the petal around a pen or something small and skinny to get curve to it.

4. Now put a dab of hot glue at the other end of the petal, in the middle of the fold. Pinch the fold shut over the glue. Repeat for all the petals.

5. Now put a dab of glue on one side of the folded end and press another petal to it. Pinch to seal them together using the glue. Repeat with another petal so that you have three petals glued together - it will look something like a cloverleaf.

6. Fold a V shape in the ends of the remaining two petals.

7. Put hot glue inside the V, then pinch it around the three petals you have glued together, like this:

8. Repeat with the fifth petal and glue it on. Once you've got it attached and pinched, it should look like this:

9. Dab hot glue on the two open sides of the flower (where you just pinched) and then put your hand inside the petals and pinch them together. You want to open up the petals and seal the spot you used to attach them.

10. From your yellow paper, cut a small piece and fold it five times.

11. Cut a stamen shape from the paper so you have five identical stamens.

12. Roll the stamens around the pen to get them to curl a bit.

13. Dab hot glue inside the petals and glue the ends of the stamens inside.

14. Add some green leaves and you're done! These guys are heavy so beware if you want to hang them.

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